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When is the Summit? Where? How much?The SBP Summit will be live between the dates of August 5th and 6th, 2024. The Summit will occur in Columbus Ohio at the Hilton Columbus at Polaris The Summit will be an in-person event this year. Cost for the Summit is $375 for 12 CEU hours (CEU applications are still pending).
Who will be presenting at this year's SBP Summit?We are excited to announce the following presenters for the 2023 Summit Kim Wiggins, OTR/L Liesa M Ritchie-Persaud, PT, DPT, PCS Jaime Spencer, MS, OTR/L (Miss Jamie, the OT) Lori Benson Adams, M.Ed Antonette K. Doty, PT, PhD Nisha S. Sanghvi, OTR/L Integrated Practice Ann Anzalone, MS Sara J. Weis, Bestselling Author, MA in Education, RYT-200, RCYT Amy Morgan, PT, ATP Permobil Mark H. Smith MPA, ODE Candice Sears, MCESC AND MANY MORE! We are in the process of finalizing the schedule for the 2024 Summit. Please check back in a bit for more deatils, or follow us on FACEBOOK For the most detailed description, please visit our Speakers Page.
When does Registration Open?Registration will open March 19th. Attendees AND Sessions will be filled on a first come, first served basis.
What do I need if I'm using a Purchase Order?It is helpful to have your PO number ahead of time, if not no big deal 1) When at the checkout option, choose "Pay by check" 2) Your receipt will be sent to the email you registered with, you can also forward your recipt to your treasurer 3) Take your receipt to your Treasurer for PO processing 4) If needed by your district, download a w-9 for OSHSA: CLICK HERE 5) Submit payment and send to: SBP Summit 250 E. Wilson Bridge Road, Suite 150 Worthington, OH 43085 Payment needs to be received before the Summit or CEU certificates may be held until payment is received.
How many CEU's will I receive?We have applied for 12 CEU hours from the OPTA and OT/PT/AT Board in this Summit. Also the Ohio Speech and Hearing Professional Board has awarded 12 contact hours as well in the past, and we have asked for this amount as well. This is a process that takes several months, but on your certificate of completion will have the number you need at the bottom of it.
How do I receive credit for sessions?The licensure boards require a way to verify attendance. In our live events, we use badge scans generally as a verification. You may need to have your badge scanned in for credit to be received. You need to have your badge scanned for EACH session you attend. We verify badge scans at the end of the event and distribute CEU certificates based off of badge scans for attendance.
How long will it take to receive my CEU's?CEUs will be emailed to the email address you use to signup. We will provide you the email address that CEU certificates will be emailed from to reduce it being sent into a spam folder.
Will there be exhibitors?YES! Each exhibitor/sponsor will have their own booth.
Do you need to attend every session to earn the 12 CEUs?Yes! You need to attend the session you sign up for for record keeping purposes. Please get your badge scanned at the door!
Don't see your question here?Email us at: and we can add it
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